
Responsible Investing

"Our aim is to maintain a culture that recognizes the value of socially responsible investing, and we consider the implementation and incorporation of ESG policies and procedures an extension of that core business philosophy."

Larry GranthamManaging Principal

Our Pillars of Sustainability

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    Our People

    Employees play a critical role in the success of our firm. To help foster a stronger, more diverse workforce and leverage our collective strengths we have in place an inclusion & diversity initiative, offer all our employees wellness and health benefits and provide a robust career development program, which includes regular training.

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    Our Community

    Calmwater’s commitment to ESG issues starts in our own offices. We support local charities and non-profit organizations and connect our employees with volunteer opportunities to better support their own communities.

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    Climate Change

    Our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and mitigating long-term climate change is evident in both our office polices as well as our investment practices. Within our office, we recycle waste, select energy efficient products where practical, and discourage unnecessary business travel. In our investment policy we support the Task Force Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) initiatives.

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    Investing Responsibly

    We believe that ESG issues affect the performance of our investment portfolios and recognize that applying responsible investing strategies may better align investors with broader objectives of a sustainable society.

People walking across public space

Our Responsible Investment Approach

Thoughtful incorporation and management of ESG issues is critical to our long-term success. By integrating ESG into our investment process we reduce risk and create value by identifying and managing material ESG issues across the full investment life cycle.